Friday, March 6, 2020

8 Ways to Enhance Foreign Language Skills in Summer

8 Ways to Enhance Foreign Language Skills in Summer The summer is at its height. This season is always full of bright events â€" small and big, funny and amusing, good and extremely pleasant. Everybody wants to keep all these wonderful experience in mind. Unfortunately memorizing ability of human brain is not endless and exciting feelings and stories fade in our memory with time. Are there any ways to save these wonderful memories and to recollect them during cold winter days? Sure there are many means to accumulate nice episodes of your life. It is easier to do it in the native language but it is also possible to use a foreign language to collect memories. This is a brilliant opportunity to support both your memory and foreign language skills. Here are 8 ideas that can help you on this way: 1. Everyday notes in a diary. Writing a diary is a well known way to keep track of the past events. What about keeping these notes in German or French? This can also serve your privacy as most people around are not familiar with a language you study. You can write down whatever you want â€" day-to-day experience, interesting quotes, recopies of tasty food, impressions from watched movie or read book, feelings and dreams. Do not forget to put dates and do not leave off writing if you miss several days, just sketch the most important events. 2. Computer diary. The same notes as on paper diary may be kept in computer in any word processor â€" such as Microsoft Word, MacWrite, Office Web Apps or Google Docs. Computer diary may be illustrated with scanned or digital photos and pictures and relevant links. 3. Online diary (blog). This is a personal journal published on a diary hosting websites, for example Open Diary, LiveJournal and Xanga. There are options to accompany notes with photos, music or video and to e-mail selected entries to friends. Author of an online diary may close it for visitors or vice versa allow others to contribute through comments. 4. Journal of event. This is a diary devoted to one event â€" a trip to seaside or summer camp â€" illustrated with photos and personal comments. This journal may be logged on paper or in digital form. 5. Scrapbooking. This method implies sticking pictures, photos, newspaper articles, tickets, postcards and artworks connected with some events or people. One of the principal elements of any scrapbook is journaling, which is a text that describes other elements on a scrapbook page. It is a fascinating method for preserving personal and family history. Scrapbooking can take natural or digital form. 6. Photos with comments. Photo is the best way to remember any event. The personal comment describing episode imprinted on photo and related feelings and emotions can make it even more informative. It is better to make comments soon after each event when all details are still fresh in memory. 7. Audio comments and reports. There are many apps in Internet for making audio comments to photos. You can make a separate comment to each photo or record a single audio-story for a group of photos. Having cell phone in a pocket allows to record audio files with personal impressions immediately after event. These records may be posted on blogs and social media. 8. Video report. Video made by smartphone, video camera or web camera is a perfect evidence of any event. Do not forget to comment what is going on. Video records may be kept in computer for personal use or posted on online-diary or YouTube. Select one or several ways of saving summer memories and think of using foreign language in your notes and comments. Do not loose this perfect opportunity to preserve good impressions for many years and to support and improve your foreign language skills. However, summer vacation is a good time not only for consolidation of knowledge in foreign language but also for continuing learning. offers a wide range of private tutors available to assist students in mastering any foreign language: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Latin, Dutch, Persian, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portugese, Russian  and  Turkish. 8 Ways to Enhance Foreign Language Skills in Summer The summer is at its height. This season is always full of bright events â€" small and big, funny and amusing, good and extremely pleasant. Everybody wants to keep all these wonderful experience in mind. Unfortunately memorizing ability of human brain is not endless and exciting feelings and stories fade in our memory with time. Are there any ways to save these wonderful memories and to recollect them during cold winter days? Sure there are many means to accumulate nice episodes of your life. It is easier to do it in the native language but it is also possible to use a foreign language to collect memories. This is a brilliant opportunity to support both your memory and foreign language skills. Here are 8 ideas that can help you on this way: 1. Everyday notes in a diary. Writing a diary is a well known way to keep track of the past events. What about keeping these notes in German or French? This can also serve your privacy as most people around are not familiar with a language you study. You can write down whatever you want â€" day-to-day experience, interesting quotes, recopies of tasty food, impressions from watched movie or read book, feelings and dreams. Do not forget to put dates and do not leave off writing if you miss several days, just sketch the most important events. 2. Computer diary. The same notes as on paper diary may be kept in computer in any word processor â€" such as Microsoft Word, MacWrite, Office Web Apps or Google Docs. Computer diary may be illustrated with scanned or digital photos and pictures and relevant links. 3. Online diary (blog). This is a personal journal published on a diary hosting websites, for example Open Diary, LiveJournal and Xanga. There are options to accompany notes with photos, music or video and to e-mail selected entries to friends. Author of an online diary may close it for visitors or vice versa allow others to contribute through comments. 4. Journal of event. This is a diary devoted to one event â€" a trip to seaside or summer camp â€" illustrated with photos and personal comments. This journal may be logged on paper or in digital form. 5. Scrapbooking. This method implies sticking pictures, photos, newspaper articles, tickets, postcards and artworks connected with some events or people. One of the principal elements of any scrapbook is journaling, which is a text that describes other elements on a scrapbook page. It is a fascinating method for preserving personal and family history. Scrapbooking can take natural or digital form. 6. Photos with comments. Photo is the best way to remember any event. The personal comment describing episode imprinted on photo and related feelings and emotions can make it even more informative. It is better to make comments soon after each event when all details are still fresh in memory. 7. Audio comments and reports. There are many apps in Internet for making audio comments to photos. You can make a separate comment to each photo or record a single audio-story for a group of photos. Having cell phone in a pocket allows to record audio files with personal impressions immediately after event. These records may be posted on blogs and social media. 8. Video report. Video made by smartphone, video camera or web camera is a perfect evidence of any event. Do not forget to comment what is going on. Video records may be kept in computer for personal use or posted on online-diary or YouTube. Select one or several ways of saving summer memories and think of using foreign language in your notes and comments. Do not loose this perfect opportunity to preserve good impressions for many years and to support and improve your foreign language skills. However, summer vacation is a good time not only for consolidation of knowledge in foreign language but also for continuing learning. offers a wide range of private tutors available to assist students in mastering any foreign language: German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Latin, Dutch, Persian, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portugese, Russian  and  Turkish.

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